Sunday, February 1, 2015

Rubble Masonry

 Rubble Masonry
                  The stone masonry in which either undressed or roughly dressed stone are laid in a suitable mortar is called rubble masonry. In this masonry the joints are not of uniform thickness. Rubble masonry is further sub-divided into the following three types:
  1. Random rubble masonry

  2. Squared rubble masonry

  3. Dry rubble masonry

  1. Random rubble masonry: The rubble masonry in which either undressed or hammer dressed stones are used is called random rubble masonry. Further random rubble masonry is also divided into the following three types:
    1. Un coursed random rubble masonry: The random rubble masonry in which stones are laid without forming courses is known as un coursed random rubble masonry. This is the roughest and cheapest type of masonry and is of varying appearance. The stones used in this masonry are of different sizes and shapes. before lying, all projecting corners of stones are slightly knocked off. Vertical joints are not plumbed, joints are filled and flushed. Large stones are used at corners and at jambs to increase their strength. Once "through stone" is used for every square meter of the face area for joining faces and backing.
      Suitability: Used for construction of walls of low height in case of ordinary buildings.
    2. Coursed random rubble masonry: The random rubble masonry in which stones are laid in layers of equal height is called random rubble masonry. In this masonry, the stones are laid in somewhat level courses. Headers of one coursed height are placed at certain intervals. The stones are hammer dressed.
      Suitability: Used for construction of residential buildings, go downs, boundary walls etc.
  2. Squared rubble masonry: The rubble masonry in which the face stones are squared on all joints and beds by hammer dressing or chisel dressing before their actual laying, is called squared rubble masonry.
    There are two types of squared rubble masonry.

    1. Coursed Square rubble masonry: The square rubble masonry in which chisel dressed stones laid in courses is called coarse square rubble masonry. This is a superior variety of rubble masonry. It consists of stones, which are squared on all joints and laid in courses. The stones are to be laid in courses of equal layers. and the joints should also be uniform.
      Suitability: Used for construction of public buildings, hospitals, schools, markets, modern residential buildings etc and in hilly areas where good quality of stone is easily available.
    2. Un coursed square rubble masonry: The squared rubble in masonry which hammer dressed stones are laid without making courses is called un coursed square rubble masonry. It consists of stones which are squared on all joints and beds by hammer dressing. All the stones to be laid are of different sizes.
      Suitability: Used for construction of ordinary buildings in hilly areas where a good variety of stones are cheaply available.
  3. Dry rubble masonry: The rubble masonry in which stones are laid without using any mortar is called dry rubble masonry or sometimes shortly as "dry stones". It is an ordinary masonry and is recommended for constructing walls of height not more than 6m. In case the height is more, three adjacent courses are laid in squared rubble masonry mortar at 3m intervals.