Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Final inspection checks - Tile Works


 Home buyer's guide series article - Final inspection checks - Tile Works

Following are the points need to be checked for tile works,

1. Living, Dining, Kitchen & Bedrooms - Flooring:
  • Tiles should be laid with zero slope. So overall area should be in level without any slope or undulations
  • Levels between tile joints should be equal; Tile joints spacing should be equal.
  • Tile joints has to be filled with suitable grouts. Check the grout for proper filling, i.e., without gaps, undulations & colour variation
  • Tile damages & chip offs has to be checked; Colour variation has to be checked.
  • Skirting tiles - offset from wall should be equal; edges & corners should not be sharp; floor tile's joints line should match with skirting tile; Also check for damages & colour variations
  • Hollowness - randomly tap on the tiles and observe for hollow sound.

2. Toilets, Utilities & Balconies (TUB) - Flooring:
  • Slope: Check floor slope by poring a bucket of water. Water has to drain fully with in two minutes.
  • Check for the position of floor trap; it should be placed such a way that it facilitates water draining properly
  • Levels between the tiles should be equal; Tile joint spacing should be equal.
  • Tile joints has to be filled with suitable grouts. Check the grout for proper filling, i.e., without gaps, undulations & colour variation.
  • Tile damages & chip offs has to be checked; Colour variation has to be checked.
  • Skirting tiles - offset from wall should be equal; edges & corners should not be sharp; floor tile's joints line should match with skirting tile; Also check for damages & colour variations
  • Hollowness - randomly tap on the tiles and observe for hollow sound

3. Toilets, Utilities, Balconies (TUB) & Kitchen - Walls:
  • All walls should be in plumb and right angle
  • All the corners has to be filled with Silicone sealant (Sanitary Sealant)
  • Levels between the tiles should be equal; Tile joint spacing should be equal.
  • Cut tiles around the plumbing fixtures & Electrical boxes should be cut in proper shape and the cut edge should not be visible after fixing Plumbing & Electrical fixtures
  • Tile joints has to be filled with suitable grouts. Check the grout for proper filling, i.e., without gaps, undulations & colour variation.
  • Tile damages & chip offs has to be checked; Colour variation has to be checked.
  • Hollowness - randomly tap on the tiles and observe for hollow sound