Tuesday, April 25, 2017

GI Corner beads for Plastering

GI Corner beads for Plastering

Plastering around wall edges are weaker than the plain walls. Also chances of these edges getting damaged by movement of materials during construction or household items after occupation are higher. So we need to reinforce these edges using GI Corner beads.

These Corner beads comes in 'V' shape with length varies from 1.8m to 2.1m, that has to be embedded in the plastering in following sequence,

Step 1: Bull marking / Button marking
Step 2: Temporary mechanical fixing
Step 3: Permanent civil fixing
Step 4: Regular wall plastering

Step 1: Bull marking / Button marking: Plastering thickness is marked by the Bull marks. For internal plastering 12 to 15 mm will be the average thickness. Plaster thickness, Plump, wall lines & right angles are consider while fixing Bull marks. Our GI Corner beads should be fixed well with in the plaster thickness.

Step 2: Temporary mechanical fixing: Aim of this process is to make civil fixing easier. The GI corner bead is fixed using nails considering the plaster thickness, plumb & line. The Corner bead should be fixed such a way that it will not be coming out of Plaster. These are fixed from the height of 150mm above FFL (Floor Finishing Level) for felicitating Skirting tile fixing.

Note: There is a misunderstanding in this, people feel that the Corner bead has to be fixed exactly flush with plaster corner. This is not true. Fixing it exact to plaster corner is very difficult and requires high skill. Because of this misunderstanding, many projects fail to implement Corner beads fixing. The purpose of plaster bead is primarily to reinforce the plaster and not to guide plaster line.

Step 3: Permanent Civil fixing: After the temporary mechanical fixing, Civil fixing will be completed immediately packing it with rich Mortar. It is then left to curing for 2 to 3 days.

Step 4: Regular Wall Plastering: The regular plastering will be done based on the Project specifications covering the Corner beads.

These corner beads need not be fixed at all the corners. We can avoid the corners at  which chances of damage is negligiable, like corners of door frames fixing, corners of tile beads, Interior carpentry covered corners. We can also fix these beads by studying external areas too, like corridors, external walls, et