Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Importance of Waterproofing

Importance of Waterproofing

People say “Water is the best friend at the time of construction and the worst enemy after the construction”.

When buildings are put in service, they go through various environmental effects that affect durability of the buildings; water intrusion is one the major cause…..

So the waterproofing becomes one of the critical activities to ensure longevity of service life of our buildings. There two major problems can happen if proper waterproofing is not ensured,
  1. Deterioration of structure
  2. Livelihood of the people
While water enters the structural element, it brings many other unwanted chemicals also. So these reacts with cement, steel, etc., and deteriorates the structure.

Also when the dampness starts to appear inside the building, people living there will get into lot of discomforts. Both these aspects are equally important, just like a two sides of coin. So waterproofing methodologies has to ensure that both these issues are taken cared. I made the above point in bold, mainly because, I had witnessed many debts on which one is highest important.

Mostly many of us understand the importance waterproofing for the durability of the building; yet very few understand the significance executing the activity with at most care. If any mistakes in waterproofing left unattended, it will become huge issue in near future; because two critical factors,
  1. Rectification works are costly and time consuming
  2. Identifying the location of failure is tedious
Since the waterproofing is done below final finishes (flooring/plastering/painting), any repair work will include removal of final finishes, repair of waterproofing & relaying of the finishes. So this exercise becomes very costly affair.

In many cases identifying the location failure itself will become cumbersome one. Because dampness can appear slightly away from the failure locations easily.

So while executing highest importance has to be given for waterproofing activity.