Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Waterproofing preparatory works - Bore packing

Bore packing is one of the preparatory works for waterproofing. This is to be ensured in Plumbing and Electrical penetrations. For example, Bore packing will be done for plumbing lines that are crossing the RCC members in toilets.

Bore packing is the process of fixing Plumbing pipes in RCC members (Slabs or beams or RCC walls) in their cutouts / core cuts. 

 Procedure for Bore packing in toilets:
  • Core cutting location to be marked in the floor considering the tile layout. Then the core cutting is done with diameter slightly higher than the plumbing pipe (ex: for 110mm pipe core cutting should be 130mm to 150mm).
  • Side face of the core cutting area and plumbing pipe should be roughened for better bonding. Also a Bonding agent has to be applied. The Bonding agent can be Epoxy based or Cement based (SBR)
  • From the bottom shuttering to be done for holding the bore packing material. (Please avoid using backer rods, gunny bags or ropes)
  • With the help of plumber the plumbing pipe should be positioned properly by checking the location and verticality.
  • Finally by  the non-shrink grout material has to be used for filling the gaps. In every steps manufacturer's specifications has to be followed strictly.
  • Ponding test / Flood test should be carried out for 48 hours to check proper packing.

The above explained procedure can be followed for all horizontal slab Bore packing. that is,
  • Floor trap outlets, Floor mounted EWC points in toilets
  • Floor trap outlets in Balcony, Utilities & Podium slabs

For vertical RCC members like Beams & Walls, there is a another procedure to be followed. This will be posted soon....