Sunday, February 21, 2016




Pre constructional anti-termite treatment is a process in which soil treatment is applied to a building in early stages of its construction. The purpose of anti-termite treatment is to provide the building with a chemical barrier against the sub-terrain termites.

Anti-termite treatment being a specialized job, calls for thorough knowledge of  the chemicals, soils, termite to be dealt with and the environmental conditions, in order to  give effective treatment and lasting protection to the property undergoing treatment. It is therefore imperative that the works of anti-termite treatment should be got executed through specialized agencies only. The specialized agency should be preferably a member of the Indian pest control Association and shall have sufficient experience of carrying out similar works  of  magnitude envisaged in this tender.

The pre constructional soil treatment is required to be applied during the construction stages of the sub-structure up to plinth level. The contractor has to be watchful of the various stages of sub-structure works and arrange to carry out the soil treatment in time after proper co- ordination with Department and other contractors if any, working at site.


The scope of pre constructional anti-termite treatment covers the soil treatment with approved chemicals in water emulsion  in  foundation  trenches  for  columns,  plinth  beams,  plinth  filling,  at  junction  of  walls  and  floor,  in expansion joints etc. in stages as detailed  in this specifications and drawings. Unless otherwise stipulated, the anti- termite treatment   will be carried out as per IS 6313 (part II) 1981 and / or as per direction of the Engineer-in- charge.


In  order  to  ensure  uniform  distribution  of  the  chemical  emulsion  and  to  assist penetration, the following site preparation shall be carried out:

a)  Remove all trees, stumps, logs or roots from the building site.

b)  Remove all concrete form work if left anywhere, leveling pegs, timber off-cuts and other building debris from the area to be treated.
c)  If the soil to be treated is sandy or porous, preliminary moistening will be required to fill capillary spaces

in  soil  in  order  to prevent the loss of emulsion through  piping or excessive percolations.

d)   In  the event  of water logging of foundation, the  water shall be pumped  out before application   of chemical  emulsion  and  it  should  be  applied  only  when  the  soil  is absorbent.
e)   On clays and other heavy soils  where penetration is likely to be slow and  on  sloping sites,  where run-off of the treating solution is likely to occur, the surface of the soil should be scarified to a depth of 75mm at least.
f)  All sub-floor leveling and grading should be completed. All cutting trenches and excavations should be completed  with  backfilling  in  place,  borrowed  fill  must  be  free from  organic  debris  and  shall  be well compacted. If this is not done supplementary treatments should be made to complete the barrier.

Chemical to be used:

The  effectiveness  of  chemical  depends  upon  the  choice  of  the  chemical,  the   dosage adopted  and  the thoroughness of application. The chemical solutions or emulsions are required to be dispersed uniformly in the soil and to the  required strength so as to form an effective chemical barrier which is lethal and repellent to termites.

Soil treatment:

One of the following chemicals in water emulsion, after approval from the Engineer-in- charge shall be used uniformly over the area to be treated.

%  of  concentration  of

Chemical by weight in
I.   Heptachlor 20 EC emulsifable concentrates

(I.S.6439 – 19781-R)

II.  Chlordance 20 EC emulsifable concentrates

(I.S.2682-1984 II-R)

III. THIODAN 35 EC emulsifable concentrates


IV. Chlorpyriphos 20 EC emulsifiable concentrates

(I.S. 8944-1974)


The  contractor  should  produce  voucher(s)  for  the  chemical  purchased  and  should   get verified  the  sealed container(s) of the specified chemical from the Engineer-in-charge before preparing the emulsion / use for t he treatment.

Mode and Rate of Application:

The  chemical  emulsion  as  stated  above  will  be  applied  uniformly  by  sprayers  at  the prescribed rates as detailed below in all the sages of the treatment.

Treatment in Foundation Trenches:

In  case  of  normal  wall  load  bearing  structures,  columns  pits,  wall  trenches  and basement, the treatment shall be at 5 litres/sqm. or surface area of the bottom and sides to a height of at least 300mm. After the foundation work, the sides shall be treated at 7.5 litres/sqm. of vertical surface of substructure on each side. After the earth filling is done, treatment shall be done by rodding the earth at 150mm centers close to wall surface  and  spraying  the  chemical with the above dose i.e. 7.5 litres/sqm. In case of framed structure, the treatment shall start at a depth of 500mm below ground level. From this depth the backfill around the columns, beams and R.C.C. basement walls shall be treated at 7.5 litres / sqm. of the vertical and at 5 litres / sqm. for the horizontal surface at the bottom in the trenches / pits.

Treatment on Top Surfaces on Plinth Filling:

The top surface of the filled earth within plinth walls shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 litres/sqm. of the surface area before sub-base to floor is laid. If filled earth has been well rammed and the surface does not allow the emulsion to seep through, holes up to 50 to 75mm deep at 150 mm centers both ways shall be made with crow bars on the surface to facilitate saturation of the soil with the emulsion.

Treatment at Junction of Walls and floors:

Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on the inner  wall  surfaces from the  finished  ground  level  (or  from level  where  the  treatment  had stopped) up to the level of the filled earth surface. To achieve this a small channel 30 X 30 mm. shall be made at all the junctions of wall / column with floor (before laying sub-grade) and rod holes  made  in  the  channel  up  to the  finished  ground  level  at
150mm apart  and  the  iron  rod moved  backward  and  forward  to  break  the  earth  and  chemical  emulsion poured   along  the channel at 7.5 litres (or at recommended quantity per sqm. of the vertical wall / column surfaces so as to soak the soil right up to the bottom. The soil shall be tamped back into place after this operation.

Treatment for Expansion Joints:

The soil  beneath the  expansion joins shall receive  special attention  when the treatment under  2.5.1 above is in progress. This treatment shall be supplemented by treating through the expansion  joint  after  sub- grade  has  been  laid at  the rate  of  2 litres  per  metre length of expansion joint.

Precautions during Treatment:

1.   Utmost care shall be taken to see that the chemical barrier is complete and continuous. Each part of the area shall receive the prescribed dosage of chemical emulsion.
2.   The treatment should not be carried out when it is raining or when the soil is wet with rain or sub- soil water.
3.    Once  formed,  the  treated  soil  barrier  shall  not  be  disturbed.  If  by  chance, treated soil barriers  are  disturbed,  immediate  steps  shall  be  taken  to  restore  the  continuity  and completeness of the barrier system.

Precautions for Health Hazards and Safety Measures:

All  the  chemicals  mentioned  above  are  poisonous  and  hazardous  to  health.  These chemicals can have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed through the skin, inhaled as vapours  or  spray  mist  or  swallowed. Persons  handling  or  using  these  chemicals  should  be warned of these dangers and advised that absorption through the skin is the most likely source of accidental poisoning. They should be cautioned to observe carefully all the safety precautions particularly when handling these chemicals in the from of concentrates.
These chemicals are usually brought to the site in the form of emulsifable concentrates. The containers should be clearly labeled and should be  stored carefully out  of the reach of children and pets animal.  They should be kept securely locked.
Particular  care  should  be  taken  to  prevent  skin  contact  with  concentrates.    Prolonged exposure  to  dilute emulsions should also be avoided. Workers should wear clean clothing and should wash thoroughly with soap and water especially before eating. In the event of severe contamination, clothing should be removed at once and the skin washed with soap and water. If chemicals splash into the eyes they shall be flushed with plenty of water and immediate medical attention should be sought.
The  concentrates  are  oil   solutions  and  present   a  fire  hazard   owing  to  the   use  of petroleum solvents. Flames should not be allowed during mixing.
Care  should  be  taken  in the  application  of  chemicals  /  soil  toxicants  to see  that  they  are not allowed to contaminate wells or springs and other sources of drinking water.

Guarantee :

The contractor  has to furnish the  guarantee for  10 (ten)  years from  the  date of completion of work, starting  that  in  case  of  reappearance  of  termites  within  the  building  area  due  to  defective  materials  or workmanship or due to any other reasons, the contractor will carry out the necessary post constructional treatment to keep the entire area free from termite, once again, without any extra cost to the Department during the

guarantee period.

Mode of measurement:

The payment will be made on the basis of plinth area measurements at ground floor only for all the stages of treatment in sqm. correct to two places of decimals. Rate includes the cost of materials, labour and all tools, plants, sprayers required for complete operation.