Sunday, February 21, 2016



Scope of work :

The  work  covered  under  this  specifications  consists  supplying  and  laying  plain cement concrete or cement plaster 1:3 as damp proof course with or without waterproofing admixture with this specification and applicable drawings.

Workmanship :

Surface to receive damp proof course shall be cleaned and carefully wiped to remove all dust, laitance etc. and shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge Damp proof course shown shall  be cement  concrete as per  proportion  indicated  in  the  schedule  or  cement plaster in the ratio CM 1:3. Approved water proofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement or  as directed by the manufacturer shall be mixed  in cement mortar for  this  concrete  or plaster. The damp proof course shall be laid to the full width of the walls and the edges shall be straight, even and truly vertical. Wooden forms shall be used to obtain good edges. No masonry work shall be commenced on freshly laid damp proof course unless it is cured for
48hours  of  its  laying  by  curing  of  damp  proof  course  shall  be  continued  along  with  the masonry work. Specification  for cement, sand, aggregate and water shall be as described herein before for concrete works / cement plaster.

Mode of measurement :

The work shall be measured in sqm. area actually laid limited to sites as shown in drawing. The rate shall include cost of all the materials, labour etc. and scaffolding (if any).