Thursday, February 18, 2016



Basement drain slope marking   is done to assure that the water in the drains do not stop at any point, after the drains are constructed.  This marking can be done for excavation and PCC laying.

·        The alignment   of the drain should be as per the M&E drawings which will give the centerline.
·        Drive reinforcement   rods at Ms. to 1 Om intervals from the starting point of the drain, all along its layout.
·        On the rod that   is fixed   at the start of the drain,   a paint   mark is made at a height of 1 m (A) from the ground   level.
·        This mark   is transferred   to the next rod using a tube level (B). Assuming,   that  the  length  of a drain  is 1  Om and  a slope  of  1: 100  has  been  prescribed,    a mark   C is made   on  the  second    rod  at  a distance of 1 OO mm, below  the  previously made    mark.    (1 OO mm   is got by applying 1: 100 slope   over a length   of 1 Om).
·        A string   line is tied between the first and the second rod, connecting the points A and c.
·        Now  as the  excavation   is  being done, at any point  of time, the distance  between the thread  and the  bottom  of the drain to be reached  should   be equal  to  'h'  all along the drain.
·        The same procedure can be followed for maintaining the top of PCC at the required slope.