Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Permanent benchmark

These are reference  points  established   by Geological  Survey of India,  which  represent the actual elevation of the specific point with  respect to  mean  sea level (MSL).

Temporary  benchmark   (TBM)
These are temporary  reference points established  on the site, and are used as the reference to which,  all the other levels at the site are taken.

Reduced   level  (RL)

The  reduced   level  of a place  is the numerical representation  of the altitude  of that  place with  respect  to a benchmark.

Base line

This  is the reference line established along one direction  in  a site,  using which  the  rest of the grid  lines are fixed and the marking pillars are established, as per the setting out drawing.


The minimum distance between the line of the building  and the outside face of the compound   wall,  or, the  distance   between   2 building    lines,  is called  as setbacks.

Plain Cement Concrete