Sunday, February 21, 2016




The scope for work covered under this specifications pertain to excavation of foundations, trenches, pits and over areas, in all sorts of soil, soft and hard rock, correct to dimensions given in the drawing including shoring, protections of existing underground utilities of any, such as water lines, electric cables etc. dewatering and shoring if necessary, stacking the useful materials as directed within the lead specified, refilling around the foundation and into the plinth with selected useful excavated earth and disposing off the surplus earth / materials within specified lead and finishing the surface to proper levels, slopes and camber etc. all complete.


Before  the  earth  work  is  started  the  area  coming  under  cutting  and  filling  shall  be  cleared  of  all obstruction, loose stones, shrubs, rank vegetation, grass, bushes and rubbish removed up to a distance of 150 meters outside the periphery of the area under clearance.  This work is deemed to be included in the earthwork item rate and no separate payment will be admissible.


The roots of trees if any shall be removed to a minimum depth of 60 cm below ground level or a minimum of 30 cm below formation level whichever is lower and the hollows filled up with earth leveled and rammed. This work is deemed to be included in the earthwork items and no separate payment will be admissible for the work.

Any material obtained from the site will be the property of the Government of India and the useful materials as decided by the Engineer-in-charge will be conveyed and properly stacked as directed within the lead specified.


Masonry or concrete pillars will be erected at suitable points in the area to serve as benchmarks for the execution of the work. These benchmarks shall be connected with G.T.S. or any other permanent benchmark approved by the Engineer-in-charge.   Necessary profiles with pegs, bamboos and strings or Burjis shall be made to show the correct formation levels before the work is started. The contractor shall supply labour and materials for setting out and making profiles and Burjis for  the work at  his own cost  and the same  shall be maintained during the excavation work. The Department will show grid co-ordinate or other reference points. It shall be the responsibility  of  the  contractor  to  set out  center  lines  correctly  with reference  to  the drawings  and  install substantial  reference  marks.
Checking  of  such  alignment by  t he  Department will not absolve the contractor from his responsibility to execute the work strictly in accordance with the drawings.


The contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-charge before starting excavation and before the ground is disturbed, to enable him to take existing level for the purpose of measurements. The ground levels shall be taken at 5 to 15 metres intervals in uniformly sloping ground and at closer  distance  where  local  mounds,  pits, or  undulations  are  met  with,  as  directed  by  the Engineer-in-charge. The ground levels shall be recorded in field books and plotted on plans, which shall be signed by the Contractor and the Engineer-in-charge, before the earthwork is actually started. The labour required for taking levels, shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost. The Contractor shall perform excavation in all types of soils, murrum, soft and hard rock, boulders etc. in foundation, over areas and in trenches to widths, lines, levels, grades and curves as shown in the drawing or lesser widths, lines, levels,  grades and levels as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and per items in the schedule of quantities.
The item in the schedule of quantities shall specify the excavation in trenches or over areas. For this purpose, the excavation for any depth in trenches for foundation not exceeding
1.5m in width or 10sqm. on plan shall be described as excavation in foundation trenches.

Excavation exceeding 1.5m in width as well as 10sqm. on plan (excluding trenches for pipes, cables etc.) and exceeding 30cm in depth shall be described as excavation over areas.
Excavation exceeding 1.5m in width as well as 10sqm. on plan but not exceeding 30cm. in depth shall be described as surface Excavation.