Sunday, February 21, 2016



The earthwork shall be classified under the following main categories and measured separately for each category. All types of soil, murrum, boulders, Soft rock, Hard rock.


This  includes  earth,  murrum,  top  deposits  of  agricultural  soil,  reclaimed  soil,  clay,  sand  or  any combination  thereof  ad  soft  and  hard  murrum,  shingle  etc.  which  is  loose  enough  to  be removed  with spadies, shovel and pick axes. Boulders not more than 0.03 cum. in volume found during the course of excavation shall also fall under this classification.


After the excavation is completed, the contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-charge to that effect and no further work shall be taken up until the Engineer-in-charge has approved the depth and dimensions an also the nature of foundation materials, levels and measurements shall also be recorded prior to taking up any further work.


Unless separately provided for in the schedule of quantities, the quoted rate for excavation shall include excavation of slopes to prevent falling in soil by providing and / or fixing, maintaining and removing of shorting, bracing etc.  The  contractor  would be responsible for  the design of shoring for proper retaining of sides of trenches, pits etc. with due consideration to the traffic, superimposed loads etc. shoring shall be of sufficient strength to resist the pressure and ensure safety from slips and to prevent damage to work and property and injury to persons. It shall be removed as directed after items for which It is required are completed should the slips occur, the slipped materials shall be removed and slope dressed to a modified stable slope. Removal of the slipped earth will not be measured for payment.


Unless specifically provided for as a separate item in the schedule of quantities, rate shall also include bailing or pumping out all water which may accumulate in the excavation during the progress of further works such as mud mat concrete, R.C. footings, shuttering etc. either due to seepage, springs, rain or any other cause and diverting surface flow by bunds or other means. Care shall be taken to ensure that the water discharged sufficiently away from the foundations t keep it free from nuisance to other works in the neighborhood.



Any finds of archeological interest such as relics of antiquity, coins, fossils or other articles of value shall be delivered to the Engineer-in-charge and shall be the property of the Government.


Any  material  obtained  from  the  excavation  which  in  the  opinion  of  the   Engineer-in- charge  is useful,  shall  be  stacked  separately in regular stacks as directed by the  Engineer-in- charge and shall be the property of the Government.

No material excavated from foundation trenches of whatever kind they may be are to be placed even temporarily nearer than about 3m from the outer edge of excavation. Discretion of the Engineer-in-charge in such cases is final. All materials excavated will remain the property of the Department.   Rate for excavation includes sorting out of the useful  materials and stacking them separately as directed within the specific lead. Material suitable and useful for backfilling or there use shall be stacked in convenient place but not in such a way  as  to  obstruct  free movement of materials, workers and vehicles or encroach on the area required for constructional purposes. It shall be used to the extent required to completely backfill the structure to original ground  level  or  other  elevation shown  on the  plan or  as  directed by the  Engineer-in-charge. Materials not

useful in anyway shall be disposed off, leveled and compacted as directed by the Engineer-in-charge within a specified lead. The site shall be left clan of all debris and leveled on completion